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Thank you to our generous sponsors!

New raffle items are still being added! One ticket costs $25 and 5 cost $100 - all winners will be drawn at the close of the event on March 7!
Raffle Items
Spring Table Top Garden
Susan Nock, of Thistle Designs, will create a beautiful, one-of-a-kind tabletop planter for indoor or outdoor display! Warm up your home with these bright and cheerful colors! Value: $250
Instant Beverage Center
Fill out your home bar with this assortment of wines, spirits, and mixers donated by our generous Board! Value: $500
Olive Connection Gift Basket
Beautiful, delicious gift basket from Coolidge Corner's Olive Connection - enjoy this selection of delicacies, or save for a super-classy housewarming or host gift! Value: $150